Cardinal Residential Leader beleaguered in Familiar Catch-22

This is the post excerpt.

lenwood smile
Allen Parkway Village Resident Council Leader, Lenwood Johnson

By Perata Bradley

July 12, 2017

Houston, TX–July 31, 2017 will be the final day of occupancy for Freedman’s Town and APV ( Allen Parkway Village) own chief protector, who finds himself faced in a re-emerging dilemma he dedicated forty plus years to. After over a decade of renting from property owner Tran Thuong at resident 1111 Genesee st, Lenwood Johnson is being forced to move due to repair reasons listed in a Terminate Right of Occupancy notice. And just like that Lenwood Johnson, in a compliant and submissive state at the tender age of 74 is prepared to leave; without a fight and no other place to go.

Johnson is no stranger to local news. In fact, when you google Lenwood Johnson, you will find many newsworthy articles highlighting his ongoing battle with federal, state, and local officials and authorities and a select few photos of a kind- spirited, photogenic Johnson displaying his passion for activism. Serving on the front-line fighting tooth and nail as a preservationist versus developer, resident versus government; being present and accounted for at City Hall meetings, regional hearings, and vocal about all relevant legislation for half of his life.

Fast forward to July 2017, and those that knew Johnson well, would be surprised to discover the scars and pitfalls of community activism that has left him forgotten, derailed, health failing and possibly homeless come August 1, 2017.  Forced out due to compliance and submissiveness, Yeah, something has definitely knocked the fight out of Johnson and one by one, if nothing is done effectively and orderly the remaining residents of Freedman’s Town will eventually face the same fate.

Mayor Sylvester Turner was quoted for saying that, “we should be working to make every neighborhood a neighborhood of opportunity.” For many past and current remaining Freedman’s Town residents they often wonder when the city will once more invest in the forgotten and remaining infrastuctures and standing residents in the area.

If you would like more information on this situation or the complete story for publication or as a feature please kindly respond back by email or telephone. My goal is to be able to provide a solution for Lenwood Johnson by getting this story out. Thanks in advance. 

For more articles on Lenwood Johnson visit the links below:Screenshot_20170708-092453 - Edited

Interview #1  with Lenwood Johnson dated December 2012

Lenwood leads fight for APV in the 90’s

Organized Lesson lead by Johnson

Saving homes in  Freedman’s Town

proud lenwood


Update : Breaking News

Multiple sources have like publications and government officials have responded to Lenwood story.  I would like to thank the Houston Defender and contributing writer for the Defender for her prompt reply, response, and dedication to this matter and for covering this story and allowing it to get the necessary attention that it rightly deserves. I would also like to express warm gratitude to Congressman Garnett F Coleman assistant and staff and sincere thanks to Ms Angie Gomez for providing the correct fax number and making it a call of duty to have Lenwood story delivered to Congressman Coleman, i would not have received a timely reply if it wasn’t for you. Thanks to the moon and back!  Seeing is believing…





I was told by Coleman’s assistant that they would be working diligently to find Lenwood and also Terri his next door neighbor, who is also being asked to moved another dwelling in the neighborhood as well as a means and plan to supplement the increase in rent that neither party is able to pay.  If you read that line correctly i said Lenwood and Terri. Yes its two longtime residents being misplaced. And this is not Terri’s first time being forced to move. Back in December of 2009, and longtime wife, Pat; got pushed out of their rent house located at 1206 Victor St. a little before Christmas due to eminent domain reasons associated with the African American Library at old Gregory. To make matters worst, those same homes at Victor st mentioned have been re sold, and throughout the years just sat there in litigation on what could possible be done other than letting a deserving family move back in who is appreciative of the lower than average rental lease. Sounds like a victory in the works to me. Every since 2010 Terri has been on the move since bouncing back in forth to available cheap rentals located in the 3rd ward area and at last back home in the 4th ward area where as he says cost $300 in rent but he gives $350 out of gratitude. To make matters even worst he was rushed to the hospital a week ago due to health reasons not specified. I bare witness to the scene.  So when Congressman Coleman called to informed me that they planned to move swiftly based off the faxed information I also informed him of Terri and told him of available rental property located in the neighborhood and hopefully everything goes smoothly and accordingly.





Here’s What the People Are Saying…


@4thward_blacq from instagram– “its a blessing to see someone who actually cares. I didn’t know any of this was even happening! Keep doing your good work it will pay off. And you so right our lil hood going down and nobody really cares anymore.

Text message user 7/17/2017— ” I knew you would figure out how you wanted to start writing cause you always talk about the book but to see this really make me proud of you sweetheart, just keep it up; you can do what you want! Awe hell world lookout for The Peacock!!!”

@hiramclarke_taz  from instagram— “damn u are a really good writer. Political writing for somebody else is screaming your name loudly.”


“Operation Lenwood”




Volunteers are needed.. Cleaning, laundry, and disposal services are needed  ASAP.

20 thoughts on “Cardinal Residential Leader beleaguered in Familiar Catch-22”

  1. Let’s keep Allen Parkway village alive the history behind Allen Parkway is historic I grew up in 4rh ward lived there all of my child hood until I was a preteen this will always be home


  2. This is an interesting story. I don’t understand why the city is not more supportive of preserving Houston’s rich history. Giving a neighborhood opportunity does not always mean removing it’s history and those that are left to tell it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very interesting story, I’m going to keep up with. I want to see just how much effort will be put into saving this Historical Neighborhood and Mr. Lenwood Johnson by Mayor Turner and the city of Houston.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Im glad this great article was written. I like to know what’s going on in my city, and I definitely love to get educated on my history and historical neighborhoods and landmarks in the city i was born in … knowledge is power

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I just read all this info earlier this morning. How can I get in touch with Lenwood? I met him in 1984 or 1985, and helped him in the latter writing campaign in the fight for APV. I want to help him in some way. The please contact me. Thank you.


  6. Grateful to hear those willing to help my dear friend & ally, Lenwood. I was active with him in the APV issues….back to the ’70’s and up to the ‘end’. Was also the Vice-Chair of the FT Credit Union. Lenwood is an indefatigable supporter of justice & rights……and now needs our support, which is only fitting as he has done so much for us. BTW: To find the culprits in the loss of the 4th Ward/FT….the ‘White Man’ is certainly guilty….but do not obscure the collusion AND participation by the Black Ministers and other African-American power-brokers of the area who lusted to cash in on gentrification, while ignoring the valuable historic wealth of the ‘hood. They may have played into the plans of ‘The Man’….but their eyes were open when they deeded away the history of Juneteenth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello and thank u for the truth telling.. I know all too well the history behing the demise of my neighborhood. Either we are going to correct this situation as a community and government or we are going to tell it all and let history be documented and let life deal with those who didn’t do what should have been done for FT and the residents. I’m getting in everybody business and on everybody row. So much updates so many things to say on this on going issue that may turn into a battle. I have sent up a go fund for Lenwood visit it and please if possible donate. He is in far worst condition then the residents in APV on their worst day. Even so I need your support and knowledge to do a continuation of those documentaries’ of the past even Lenwood’s who’s film then continue to reject as historical relevance.


      1. Good resonance here…..glad to assist where I can. Donated just now as in the past…..will do all that I can. FT/4thW is a gem……and Lenwood is a treasure therein.


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